
How To Know When Your Pup Needs a Jacket
While you may still be experiencing summer weather near your home, it’s important to remember that fall and winter are quickly approaching. Not all of us have the luxury to live in Hawaii or San Diego all year round. In fact, many of us live in areas where snow is right around the corner. As fall quickly approaches, you’re probably thinking about when you’re going to have to unpack your winter clothing, and dread the thought. However, you don’t have to dread the fall and winter, and neither does your pup, when you plan ahead to keep everyone warm and cozy. So get excited for Pumpkin Spice Lattes and the changing fall colors, but also get excited to keep your pup just as cozy. Here are a few ways that you can know if your pup needs a jacket or sweater to keep them warm during cooler months.
Does your pup have a short coat?
When we ask if your pup has a short coat, we’re not talking about the types of coats that keep a dog’s best friend warm. When we ask if your pup has a short coat, we’re talking about the type of fur or hair that they have. Many dogs are actually bred for cold weather, like huskies and malamutes, and you can tell because they have a very thick fur coat. If your pup has a short coat, like a boxer, chihuahua, or a well-groomed schnauzer, they aren’t going to be able to easily keep themselves warm. Most short-coated dogs will need sweaters and jackets throughout the cooler months in order to stay warm, which helps to keep them much happier.
Do the temperatures regularly drop below freezing?
Just like not all dogs need dog coats and sweaters, even short-coated dogs don’t always need warming puppy apparel if you live in an area that has moderate winters. If the average temperature in your area stays easily above freezing, you’re probably in good shape. If you see chilly days on a regular basis or plan to spend an extended amount of time outside, even during crisp fall days, you’re probably going to want to pick up a jacket for your pup.
Does it regularly rain or snow where you live?
Along the same lines, do you regularly see precipitation during the fall and winter where you live? This is a good indicator that your pup is probably going to need some sort of jacket. If you mostly see rain, a good raincoat can go a long way. If you have cold, wet winters, a warm jacket and some booties could be in your pup’s future.
Do you catch your pup shivering?
Your furry best friend may be cold, but odds are they aren’t going to be very good at telling you so. Dogs are notorious for hiding when they don’t feel well or when they’re uncomfortable. This includes when they’re cold. If your dog surprises you and you find that they’ve been shivering, then they definitely need a couple of puppy coats in their wardrobe.
When you need quality puppy apparel for your pampered pooch, there is only one place to turn to: Pupaholic. Shop our online selection for your pup’s next coat or sweater today!